Getting a loan; legals; setting up the right strategy; an SMSF if I’m buying Super; tenants; bills – ugh! It’s all too hard right? Or is it?
Because we’ve been doing this for 10 years we have brought together a team of experts, both in-house and with external partners, to make investment property ownership as easy as possible. So how easy can it be?
• How do I know if I actually qualify? We have an in-house team of finance experts who work closely with the lenders to ensure that from a very early stage in the process, you know if you’ll be able to purchase. There is nothing worse than spending time and energy searching for a new property, to realise it’s not possible.
• How do I find a property that will suit? Certainty Wealth has also built a property sourcing team, who search Australia for the best properties that will have an excellent rate of return for our investors as well as Capital Growth. We’re always on the look out for both, to get our clients the best possible properties.
• An SMSF just sounds hard. We agree! Which is why we have a partner, that we’ve been working with for years. They specialise only in SMSF Administration, taxation and accounting. They like to call themselves your Personal Assistant when it comes to starting and managing your SMSF. They’re on call throughout the process and beyond to simplify the process if you’d like to buy within your Super.
• How do I find a solicitor who won’t overcharge me? The good news is, we work with a few great solicitors around the country who are excellent at what they do, for reasonable rates. They understand what is required in the SMSF space for Property Conveyancing. They work quickly and with great expertise.
• I don’t want to have to deal with tenants! We get it – dealing with tenants can be a difficult process, particularly if your property is not in your local area. We have teamed up with some excellent Property Managers who will take care of photographing your property, advertising it for rent, shortlisting the applicants for you to choose and then deal with all the paperwork and maintenance requests. They can also receive your bills and pre-pay them out of the rent for you, so you don’t have to worry about that either.
10 years is a lot of time to refine and simplify a process. We really pride ourselves on that.